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Cilj ovog istraživanja je empirijski istražiti uticaj ekonomske i političke slobode kao dva netradicionalna faktora na priliv SDI u osam zemalja Јugoistočne Evrope u periodu od 2002. do 2020. godine. Shodno tome, hipoteza studije je da je visok nivo ekonomske i političke slobode pozitivno povezan sa stranim direktnim investicijama. Studija koristi ...

By Hasan Mahmutović, Elvis Alibašić, Hamid Alibašić

The aim of this research is to empirically explore impact of economic and political freedom as two nontraditional factors on FDI inflows in eight of South East Europe countries between 2002 and 2020. Accordingly, the study hypothesis that high level of economic and political freedom is positively associated with FDI. The study uses panel data techn...

By Hasan Mahmutović, Elvis Alibašić, Hamid Alibašić