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The success of a change is valorized by a new state, and whether it will occur depends on several influential factors: environment, management, knowledge, the will to change, resistance to change, entrepreneurial spirit, motivation, risk. Managing change and making the right decisions is much easier when the path ahead of the manager is known. In c...

By Vera Zelenović, Jelena Vitomir

Društveni mediji su sredstvo interakcijemeĎu ljudima u kojem stvaraju, dele i razmenjujuinformacije i ideje u virtuelnim zajednicama imrežama. Banke bi trebale koristiti društvenemedije kao dvosmerni komunikacijski kanal kakoza slušanje okruženja, tako i za sticanje uvida, sveu cilju pružanja korisnicima ciljanih idiferencijalnih rešenja koja rešav...

By Milan Radović, Jelena Vitomir

Social media are the means ofinteractions among people in which they create,share, and exchange information and ideas invirtual communities and networks. Banks shouldleverage social media as a two-waycommunications vehicle for both listening to theaudience and gaining insights, with the goal ofproviding customers with targeted anddifferentiating so...

By Milan Radović, Jelena Vitomir