Taking into account today's mobility ofmanagers in banking and financial industry, thechallenges of the digital transformation offinancial institutions’ operating, modern effectivedevelopment of bank managers cannot force them,for all good intentions, to accept the goals of theBank, much less can such development manipulatetheir behaviourso a...
By Kristijan Ristić, Aleksandar Živković
Uzimajući u obzir današnju mobilnostmenadžera u bankarskoj i finasnijskoj industriji,izazove digitalne transformacije poslovanjafinansijsikih institucija, savremeni efektivan razvojbankarskih menadžera ne može da ih natera, makoliko postojala dobra namera, da prihvate ciljevebanke niti taj razvoj podrazumeva manipulisanjenjihovim pnaš...
By Kristijan Ristić, Aleksandar Živković