„UNION – Nikola Tesla“ University, Bussines and law faculty , Belgrade , Serbia
University of Beolgrade, Faculty of economics , Belgrade , Serbia
Taking into account today's mobility ofmanagers in banking and financial industry, thechallenges of the digital transformation offinancial institutions’ operating, modern effectivedevelopment of bank managers cannot force them,for all good intentions, to accept the goals of theBank, much less can such development manipulatetheir behaviourso as to adjust it to organizationalneeds. Effective development of bank managers,today, actually entails encouraging establishmentof relations in which an individual manager cantake responsibility for the development of theirown potential, to draw up their own developmentplans and to learn lessons from the implementationof these plans into action. Nowadays, bankingmanagers are required to exceed the limits of theirjob description, they need to know more, have tothink more and take more responsibility for theresults. These are the key postulates of humancapital in a contemporary commercial bank.Actually it is a contemporary transition from hardlineTaylorism to the behavioural approach whichis made to relocate the focus from job descriptiononto the skills and individual potential.Competence becomes a source of competitiveadvantage for the individual and for the bank,whereas competence development becomes acomprehensive, purposeful and lifelong motto ofmodern corporate life of a manager in the bankingindustry. This paper will focus on the analysis ofpreconditions for the development of competenciesof middle managers in the banking industry inSerbia, in light of the issues and corporateenvironment where the development occurs andthe increasing challenges of the digitaltransformation of operating that questions theneed for traditional management of a teamcreating results in direct contact with clients.
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