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The mass application of digital technologies has brought substantial changes to the business environment and everyday life of people. The digital transformation is provoking an intense debate among policy makers, economists and industry leaders about its social impact and economic challenges. Conflicting views on the effects and consequences of dig...

By Rade Stankić, Jasna Soldić-Aleksić, Aleksandra Јakovljević

Већ скоро двије године свијет се суочава са великим економским изазовима, a један од њих је како прилагодити пословање једног привредног субјекта условима пандемије. Са великом сигурношћу се може рећи да постоји врло мало привредних субјеката на које пандемија није оставила трага, нанијела видљиве посљедице на пословање. Међутим, може ли се криза п...

By Љубиша Мићић, Aleksa Spasić

The logistics performance index (LPI) represents an important indicator of the state of logistics and its development in countries. The LPI is directly linked to the level of economic system development, and as such provides an adequate basis for the improvement of economy, through logistics and trade. The aim of this paper is to determine the impa...

By Živko Erceg, Biljana Kovačević, Željko Stević

The aim of this research is to empirically explore impact of economic and political freedom as two nontraditional factors on FDI inflows in eight of South East Europe countries between 2002 and 2020. Accordingly, the study hypothesis that high level of economic and political freedom is positively associated with FDI. The study uses panel data techn...

By Hasan Mahmutović, Elvis Alibašić, Hamid Alibašić

Predviđanje ishoda različitih pojava oduvek je predstavljalo atraktivnu istraživačku temu u velikom broju naučnih disciplina, naročito u ekonomiji. Kao posebna oblast, ekonometrija pruža različite modele za predviđanje pokazatelja kao što su BDP, stopa inflacije, kamatna stopa, cena raznih roba i usluga, kao i mnogih drugih kako na mikro tak...

By Rade Božić

Predicting the outcome of various phenomena has always been an attractive research topic in a large number of scientific disciplines, especially in economics. As a scientific discipline, econometrics provides various models for predicting indicators such as GDP, inflation rate, interest rate, price of various goods and services, as well as many oth...

By Rade Božić

The last decades, but also the centuries, have been full of financial crises of various characteristics, intensities, and areas of occurrence. Experiences of financial crises have shown that countries reach a financial crisis when the economy as a whole continuously has a current account deficit when it spends more than it creates, which leads to a...

By Vera Zelenović, Jelena Zelenović

For almost two years now, the world has been facing major economic challenges, precisely struggling how to adjust the business in a period of a pandemic. It can be said with great certainty that there are very few economic entities to which the pandemic has left no trace or caused visible consequences on business. However, we can perceive the crisi...

By Ljubiša Mićić, Aleksa Spasić

Industrijska politika je važno sredstvo koje vladama omogućava da promovišu industrijski razvoj i ubrzaju ekonomski rast. Ipak, specifične mere koje su usvojene od strane uspešnih industrijalizovanih zemalja ne mogu se lako primeniti na ostale zemlje, ne samo zbog posebnih društveno-ekonomskih uslova pojedinačnih zemalja već i ...

By Miloš Lutovac, Aleksandar Živković, Milena Lutovac Đaković

Индекс логистичких перформанси (ЛПИ) представља важан показатељ стања логистике и њене развијености у државама. Индекс логистичких перформанси је директно везан за ниво развијености привредног система и као такав даје адекватну подлогу за унапређење економије, кроз логистику и трговину. Циљ овог рада је утврђивање утицаја анализе осјетљивости на вр...

By Живко Ерцег, Биљана Ковачевић, Жељко Стевић