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Predviđanje ishoda različitih pojava oduvek je predstavljalo atraktivnu istraživačku temu u velikom broju naučnih disciplina, naročito u ekonomiji. Kao posebna oblast, ekonometrija pruža različite modele za predviđanje pokazatelja kao što su BDP, stopa inflacije, kamatna stopa, cena raznih roba i usluga, kao i mnogih drugih kako na mikro tako i na ...

The aim of this research is to empirically explore impact of economic and political freedom as two nontraditional factors on FDI inflows in eight of South East Europe countries between 2002 and 2020. Accordingly, the study hypothesis that high level of economic and political freedom is positively associated with FDI. The study uses panel data techn...

By Hasan Mahmutović, Elvis Alibašić

The logistics performance index (LPI) represents an important indicator of the state of logistics and its development in countries. The LPI is directly linked to the level of economic system development, and as such provides an adequate basis for the improvement of economy, through logistics and trade. The aim of this paper is to determine the impa...

By Živko Erceg, Biljana Kovačević

The transformation of the economic system according to the standards of market developed countries and the implementation of long-term privatization have conditioned companies in the Republic of Srpska to find opportunities to preserve their financial stability in the newly created market environment. It is well known that turbulent markets have al...

By Suzana Stevanović

The governments of all countries of the world have faced up with the health crisis caused by the Covid 19 virus pandemic in the previous and current year. This crisis turned into an economic crisis, considering that it was necessary to provide huge financial resources to overcome it. Governments "pumped" additional amounts of money by supplying the...

By Jadranka Đurović Todorović, Milica Ristić Cakić

Slobodan protok roba, usluga, ljudi i kapitala, razvoj informacione i komunikacione tehnologije, učinili su da lokalni problemi postanu globalni. Finansijska kriza 2007. godine vrlo brzo je postala globalna. Pandemija kovida-19 izazvala je svetsku zdravstvenu krizu, koja je ubrzo prerasla u ekonomsku, uz pretnju da postane i društvena kriza....

By Tanja Vujović

The development of productive forces in the twentieth, and especially in the twenty-first century, takes place in the sign of the affirmation of knowledge, as a basic resource of the development of society and changes in its civilization that is taking on a new era in its evolutionary development. The importance of knowledge has grown thanks to cha...

By Aleksandar Živković

Циљ студије је да се развије методички алат за процену научних и технолошких ризика од технолошке интеграције прерађивачких предузећа. За основне методе истраживања одабране су кључне одредбе теорије управљања, теорије организације и савремених теорија ризика. Методолошки оквир су били инструментални, процесни, ресурсни и матрични приступи. У проце...

By Alexey Davydov

The free flow of goods, services, people and capital, and the development of information and communication technology have all made local problems global. The 2007 financial crisis very quickly became global. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a worldwide health crisis, which quickly became an economic one, with threats of becoming a social one as well. ...

By Tanja Vujović

Monitoring the readiness of countries for the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) has a long tradition. It is reflected through the application of various synthetic indicators - indexes, which were created for these purposes by various organizations and associations. These indicators are expected to reflect new trends in...

By Rade Stankić, Aleksandra Јakovljević