Timely disclosure of information and data brings to enterprises many benefits in the business, which is reflected in attracting domestic and foreign investors, which is a particular aspect of corporate governance. However, countries in transition are faced with low level of transparency, due to unclear legal regulations, as well as the disorganization of the market. The specific goal of this paper is to analyze the role and importance of transparency from the perspective of corporate governance on the business success of the companies. This research was conducted in the last quarter of 2013 on a representative sample of companies from city of Doboj, which are quoted on the Banja Luka Stock Exchange. Analysis includes the review of material significant, useful information broadcasted on the websites of companies, as well as any other information which is published and contributes to improve the corporate governance of the observed associations. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to highlight the best solutions in order to increase the transparency of the company. Pragmatic contribution of this paper will have domestic and foreign investors, managers and other interested public in the area of Doboj region, but also Republic of Srpska
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