University of East Sarajevo Serbia
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Business Economics Bijeljina , Bijeljina , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Industry 4.0 can be interpreted as a business discipline that has led to the automation and digitalization of business systems thanks to Internet of Тhings, Cyber Physical Systems, Cognitive computing, but also Cloud computing that is crucial to the continuous development of Industry 4.0, because Cloud-based technology connects and centralizes information essential for business, and in addition provides an open source platform that improves research for the entire industry. In order to meet customer needs, different industrial branches apply Cloud computing which allows companies to adapt more easily to ongoing technological innovations. Cloud computing with unlimited networking capabilities enables businesses to optimize their business processes and activate their applications, which provide them with data necessary for business analytics. Additionally, thanks to innovative applications on the Cloud platform, personal adaptation to the individual needs of users is made. All of this has also affected the emergence of Cloud-based marketing, which implies the activity of organizations focused on the digital delivery of products and services tailored to users’ individual needs. This paper analyzes the concept of Cloud marketing and defines Cloud marketing platforms that contribute to the optimization of marketing strategies, and the increase in return on investment.
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