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In this paper, we consider the relationship between the entrepreneurial state and the crisis (caused by economic and non-economic reasons and vice versa). Thus, it is about the interactive attitude of the entrepreneurial state in resolving the crisis and the impact of the crisis on the further development of new economic competencies and competenci...

By Vesna Petrović, Ivan Mirović

The development of productive forces in the twentieth, and especially in the twenty-first century, takes place in the sign of the affirmation of knowledge, as a basic resource of the development of society and changes in its civilization that is taking on a new era in its evolutionary development. The importance of knowledge has grown thanks to cha...

By Aleksandar Živković, Miloš D. Lutovac

Slobodan protok roba, usluga, ljudi i kapitala, razvoj informacione i komunikacione tehnologije, učinili su da lokalni problemi postanu globalni. Finansijska kriza 2007. godine vrlo brzo je postala globalna. Pandemija kovida-19 izazvala je svetsku zdravstvenu krizu, koja je ubrzo prerasla u ekonomsku, uz pretnju da postane i društvena kriza....

By Tanja Vujović, Dragana Milenković

The governments of all countries of the world have faced up with the health crisis caused by the Covid 19 virus pandemic in the previous and current year. This crisis turned into an economic crisis, considering that it was necessary to provide huge financial resources to overcome it. Governments "pumped" additional amounts of money by supplying the...

By Jadranka Đurović Todorović, Milica Ristić Cakić, Marina Đorđević

The transformation of the economic system according to the standards of market developed countries and the implementation of long-term privatization have conditioned companies in the Republic of Srpska to find opportunities to preserve their financial stability in the newly created market environment. It is well known that turbulent markets have al...

By Suzana Stevanović, Vitomir Starčević

Tax analysis and forecasting of revenues are of paramount importance to ensure fiscal policy’s viability and sustainability. However, the measures taken to contain the spread of the recent pandemic pose an unprecedented challenge to established models and approaches. This paper proposes a model to forecast tax revenues in Bulgaria for the fis...

By Fabio Ashtar Telarico

Развој производних снага у двадесетом, а посебно у двадесет првом веку, одвија се у знаку афирмације знања, као основног ресурса развоја друштва и промена у његовој цивилизацији која поприма нову епоху у његовом еволутивном развоју. Значај знања израстао је захваљујући променама у садржају и карактеру човекове радне делатности, исказаној у њеној ин...

By Александар Живковић, Милош Д. Лутовац

Владе свих држава света суочиле су се са здравственом кризом изазваном пандемијом ковида-19 у претходној и текућој години. Ова криза је прерасла у економску кризу, с обзиром на то да је за њено превазилажење било неопходно обезбедити огромна финансијска средства. Осим тога, владе су „упумпавале“ додатне количине новца снабдевајући привр...

By Јадранка Ђуровић Тодоровић, Милица Ристић Цакић, Марина Ђорђевић

U ovom radu razmatramo odnos preduzetničke države i krize (izazvane ekonomskim i neekonomskim razlozima i vice versa). Dakle, riječ je o interaktivnom odnosu preduzetničke države u rješavanju krize i uticaju krize na dalji razvoj novih ekonomskih ingerencija i nadležnosti države u ekonomiji. Preduzetnička država se posmatra kao preduzetnik i...

By Vesna Petrović, Ivan Mirović

The article substantiates writing a methodology to study the present condition and development of production technologies at Russian manufacturing enterprises in the context of priority scientific and technological development of Russian economy. The basic methodology used in the study are system and process approaches that are applied to the scien...

By Alexander Miller